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Do burglars break sliding glass doors?

Sliding glass doors are a popular feature in many homes, offering a beautiful view of the outdoors and easy access to a patio or backyard. Unfortunately, these doors can also be vulnerable to burglars, who can break the glass and gain entry to a home. In this article, we will explore the risks posed by sliding glass doors and discuss how homeowners can protect themselves.

The most common way burglars break into a home through a sliding glass door is by smashing the glass. This can be done with a rock or other heavy object and takes only a few seconds. Burglars may also use a tool to pry open the door or use a crowbar to break the lock. Once the door is open, the burglar can easily gain access to the home.

Another way burglars can break into a home through a sliding glass door is by lifting it off its track. This is done by inserting a tool into the track and using it to lift the door off its track. Once the door is off the track, the burglar can easily gain access to the home.

Burglars may also use a technique called “jimmying” to gain entry to a home through a sliding glass door. This involves using a tool to manipulate the door’s locking mechanism, allowing the burglar to open the door without breaking the glass.

Fortunately, there are several ways homeowners can protect themselves against burglars who may target their sliding glass doors. The first and most important step is to make sure the door is properly secured. This means making sure the door is locked and that the lock is working properly. Homeowners should also consider installing a security system, as this can be an effective deterrent to burglars.

Homeowners should also consider installing additional security measures, such as a bar or security bar, to make it more difficult for burglars to gain entry. These bars can be installed inside the track of the sliding glass door, making it much harder for a burglar to lift the door off its track.

Finally, homeowners should also consider installing motion-activated lights around the perimeter of their home. This will make it much more difficult for a burglar to approach the home undetected.

In conclusion, sliding glass doors can be vulnerable to burglars, who can break the glass or lift the door off its track to gain entry to a home. Homeowners can protect themselves by making sure the door is properly secured and installing additional security measures, such as a security bar or motion-activated lights. By taking these steps, homeowners can help to ensure their safety and protect their homes from potential burglars.

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