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How do you fix a door drag?

Doors are an integral part of any home or building, providing security, privacy, and insulation from the elements. Unfortunately, doors can sometimes experience issues such as a door drag. This can be a major inconvenience, preventing the door from closing properly or even opening at all. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to fix a door drag and get your door back in working order.

The first step in fixing a door drag is to inspect the door and its frame. Look for any signs of damage, such as cracks, dents, or warping. If any of these are present, they may be the cause of the door drag and should be addressed before attempting any further repairs. If the door and frame appear to be in good condition, the next step is to check the hinges. Make sure they are properly aligned and securely fastened to the door and frame. If any of the screws are loose, tighten them. If the hinges are bent or damaged, they should be replaced.

Once the hinges have been inspected and adjusted, the next step is to adjust the strike plate. The strike plate is the metal plate mounted on the door frame that the door latch engages with when the door is closed. If the strike plate is too high, the latch won’t be able to engage properly, causing the door to drag. To adjust the strike plate, loosen the screws and move the plate up or down until the latch can engage properly.

Another common cause of a door drag is a door that has become misaligned. This can happen over time due to changes in the structure of the building or simply from wear and tear. To fix this, you’ll need to remove the door from its hinges and re-hang it. Make sure to use shims to ensure the door is level and plumb.

Finally, if the door still drags after all of these steps have been taken, it may be necessary to replace the door. This is especially true if the door is old or has sustained significant damage. Look for a door that is the same size and style as the existing door to ensure a proper fit.

In conclusion, fixing a door drag can be a relatively simple process if you take the time to inspect the door, frame, and hinges. If any of these components are damaged or misaligned, they should be repaired or replaced. If the door still drags after these steps have been taken, it may be necessary to replace the door. Regardless, with the right tools and a bit of patience, you can easily fix a door drag and get your door back in working order.

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