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What is a jamb replacement window?

A jamb replacement window is a type of window that is designed to fit into the existing window opening without having to remove the existing frame or jamb. This type of window is a great option for homeowners who want to replace their old windows without having to do a full window replacement.

A jamb replacement window is a great option for those who want to keep the existing frame and trim of the window intact. The jamb replacement window fits into the existing window opening and does not require any additional framing or trim work. This type of window is also a great option for those who want to keep the same look of their existing window but just want to upgrade the performance and energy efficiency of the window.

The jamb replacement window is made up of two parts, the frame and the sash. The frame is the part that fits into the existing window opening and is usually made of wood or vinyl. The sash is the part that contains the glass and is usually made of either vinyl or aluminum. The sash is also what allows for the window to open and close.

When installing a jamb replacement window, the first step is to measure the existing window opening. This is important because the new window must fit exactly into the existing opening. Once the measurements are taken, the new window can be ordered to fit the exact dimensions of the existing window opening.

Once the new window is delivered, it must be properly installed into the existing window opening. This requires removing the old window and the existing trim, then fitting the new window into the existing opening. It is important to make sure the new window is properly sealed around the frame to ensure a tight fit and to prevent air and water infiltration.

Once the new window is installed, the existing trim and frame can be reinstalled around the new window. This will give the window a finished look and will also help to protect the new window from the elements.

A jamb replacement window is a great option for homeowners who want to upgrade their existing window without having to do a full window replacement. This type of window is easy to install and can help to improve the energy efficiency of the home. It is also a great option for those who want to keep the existing frame and trim of the window intact.

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