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Are strike plates necessary?

Strike plates are an important component of a door’s security system. They are a metal plate that is installed over the door jamb and the latch or deadbolt that reinforces the door frame and prevents forced entry. Strike plates are an often overlooked component of a home’s security system, but they are essential for providing a secure door.

Strike plates are typically made from steel, brass, or zinc and are installed over the door jamb, reinforcing the frame and providing additional strength. The strike plate is designed to protect the door jamb from being kicked in or forced open. It also helps to keep the latch or deadbolt in place when the door is closed. Without a strike plate, the door jamb could easily be damaged by someone trying to break in.

Strike plates come in various sizes and styles, and they can be customized to fit the size and shape of the door jamb. They are usually installed with screws, but some models are designed to be glued in place. The screws should be long enough to securely hold the strike plate in place, but not so long that they protrude through the door jamb.

Strike plates are especially important for doors with deadbolts. Without a strike plate, the deadbolt could easily be forced open, which would leave the door vulnerable to forced entry. Strike plates also help to protect the door jamb from wear and tear, as they provide a barrier between the jamb and the latch or deadbolt. This can help to extend the life of the door jamb and the door itself.

Strike plates are also important for doors with locks. Without a strike plate, the lock could easily be picked or forced open. The strike plate provides an additional layer of protection against forced entry and helps to ensure that the lock is secure.

Strike plates are a relatively inexpensive security measure, but they are essential for providing a secure door. They are easy to install and can be customized to fit the size and shape of the door jamb. Without a strike plate, the door jamb could easily be damaged by someone trying to break in, and the lock or deadbolt could easily be forced open. Strike plates help to protect the door jamb and the door itself, and they are an important part of any home’s security system.

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