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How do you secure a French patio door from burglars?

French patio doors are a popular and attractive way to bring natural light into a home while providing access to the outdoors. However, they can also be a security risk, as they are often not as secure as other types of doors. To ensure your French patio doors are properly secured, there are a few steps you can take to make them less attractive to burglars.

First, make sure the doors are installed correctly. French patio doors should be installed with the door frame flush against the wall, with no gaps or spaces that can be used to pry open the door. The door should also be installed with heavy-duty hinges and a deadbolt. A deadbolt is the most secure type of lock and should be used instead of a standard doorknob lock.

Second, you should install a security bar on the door. A security bar is a metal bar that is placed in the door frame and prevents the door from being opened from the outside. This added layer of security is especially important for French patio doors, as they often have large glass panels that can be easily broken.

Third, you should consider installing a security camera. A security camera is a great way to deter burglars, as it can provide evidence of a break-in and help identify the perpetrator. You can also set up motion sensors or an alarm system to alert you if someone tries to break in.

Fourth, you should invest in window treatments or blinds for your French patio doors. Window treatments can help obscure the view of the inside of your home from the outside, making it less attractive to burglars. Blinds or curtains can also be used to prevent anyone from seeing inside your home during the night.

Finally, you should make sure all doors and windows in your home are properly secured. Burglars often target homes with weak security, so make sure all of your doors and windows are locked and that they have strong deadbolts. You should also consider installing motion-sensing lights around your home and in your yard to deter burglars.

By following these steps, you can ensure your French patio doors are secure and protected from burglars. Installing a security bar, adding window treatments, and investing in other security measures can go a long way in keeping your home safe.

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