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How long do window balances last?

Windows are an integral part of any home or office. They provide natural light and ventilation, as well as a view of the outside world. But windows are not just for looks; they also serve an important structural purpose. The window balance is an important part of the window that helps to keep the window in place and ensure it opens and closes properly. But how long do window balances last?

Window balances are typically made of metal, such as steel or aluminum, and are designed to hold the weight of the window sash. Over time, the window balances can become worn or damaged, leading to problems with the window. So how long do window balances last?

The answer to this question depends on the type of window balance you have and the environment in which it is installed. Generally speaking, window balances should last between 10 and 20 years. However, this can vary depending on the type of window balance, the environment in which it is installed, and how often it is used.

For example, some window balances are made of a more durable material, such as stainless steel, and can last much longer than 10 to 20 years. Additionally, if the window is installed in a humid environment, the window balance may need to be replaced more often due to corrosion. On the other hand, if the window is installed in a dry environment, the window balance may last longer.

In addition to the type of window balance and the environment in which it is installed, the frequency of use can also affect how long the window balance lasts. If the window is opened and closed frequently, the window balance may need to be replaced sooner than if it is rarely used.

To ensure that your window balances last as long as possible, it is important to inspect them regularly for signs of wear and tear. If you notice any damage or wear, it is best to replace the window balance as soon as possible to prevent further damage or problems.

If you are unsure how long your window balances should last, it is best to consult a professional. A professional can inspect the window balance and determine if it needs to be replaced. They can also provide advice on how to maintain the window balance to ensure it lasts as long as possible.

In conclusion, window balances are an important part of any window, helping to keep the window in place and ensure it opens and closes properly. Generally speaking, window balances should last between 10 and 20 years, depending on the type of window balance, the environment in which it is installed, and how often it is used. To ensure that your window balances last as long as possible, it is important to inspect them regularly for signs of wear and tear and to consult a professional if you are unsure how long your window balances should last.

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