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Where should shower door threshold be placed?

Shower door thresholds are an important part of any shower, as they help to keep water from spilling out onto the floor. While it may seem like a minor detail, the placement of the threshold can make a big difference in how effective it is at keeping water contained.

The first thing to consider when placing a shower door threshold is the height of the shower floor. Generally, the threshold should be placed at the same height as the shower floor. This helps to ensure that the threshold is flush with the floor, which helps to keep water from spilling out. If the shower floor is higher than the threshold, water may be able to run over the threshold and onto the floor.

The next consideration is the shape of the shower floor. If the shower floor is curved, the threshold should also be curved to match the shape of the floor. This will help to keep water from spilling over the threshold and onto the floor. If the shower floor is flat, the threshold should also be flat.

Next, the size of the shower door needs to be taken into account. If the shower door is too small, the threshold may not be able to contain all of the water that is released during a shower. On the other hand, if the shower door is too large, the threshold may be too wide, which can cause water to spill onto the floor.

Finally, the material of the threshold should also be taken into consideration. Thresholds are typically made of metal, plastic, or rubber. Metal thresholds are more durable than plastic or rubber, but they may be more difficult to install. Plastic and rubber thresholds are easier to install, but they may not be as durable.

In summary, shower door thresholds should be placed at the same height as the shower floor, and they should be the same shape as the floor. The size of the threshold should be appropriate for the size of the shower door, and the material should be chosen based on the desired durability. When these considerations are taken into account, a shower door threshold can be placed in the most effective location.

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